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为了解决衰老迹象:细纹、变色、皮肤松弛,我们需要更加呵护我们的皮肤,多给皮肤补水 以及成分 去角质和 重现并提升 胶原蛋白糖原蛋白、透明质酸、 和辅酶Q10 是明星 原料 这个三步组合 即将到来 一起 斗争 细纹、皱纹、干燥、老年斑、暗沉和失去弹性
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Step 1. Gently massage 1-2 pumps of Active Enzyme Cleansing Cream onto damp face, neck and décolletage. Rinse with warm water using a face cloth for best results then pat dry.

Step 2. Gently smooth 2 drops of CoQ10 Booster Oil into your face, neck and décolletage. Use morning and/or evening.

Step 3. Massage a dollop of Line Smoothing Day Cream into a clean face, neck and décolletage. Use morning and/or evening as the last step in your skin care routine.



Trilogy was founded from the bond of two New Zealand sisters looking for a solution to their skin sensitivity, and from the very beginning back in 2002 they pioneered the power of natural ingredients when they discovered the powerful skin benefits of rosehip seed oil.

Driven by a passion to create safe and effective beauty products using the best quality natural ingredients, an unwavering dedication was born to empower women to feel confident in their skin through naturally healthy skincare solutions.

Long before the term clean beauty was adopted, we have believed that clean and natural ingredients are the best choices for skincare and the vitality of your skin. Much like nature’s diversity of ingredients, our skin needs are ever changing and there are many different skin types. We have and continue to be motivated by the knowledge that everything your skin needs can be found in nature.

Using the best of science, we work hard to bring about innovative natural skincare that is effective, safe and unique, and works for all types of skin. We use our expertise in pure plant oils, natural extracts and potent botanical complexes to create innovative, market leading, clean natural beauty products with integrity.

Every year we produce thousands of natural products, certified to the very highest standard by NATRUE. Every product we launch is tried and tested on real women, who see real visible results, so that when these products finally get to you, we know they are safe, they work and that you’ll love them.

We don’t believe in sacrificing natural to meet trends and we work hard to keep at the forefront of natural ingredients and formulations. Today we have over 40 high-performing award-winning face and body products and have grown to become category leaders in natural beauty.

We are proud of our values and of the products we produce, and the idea that women of all ages can use our products with a sense of security and trust in us, is of great pride to us.


在 Love Nature,我们珍惜您的时间,并努力确保我们的产品快速有效地送达您手中。以下是您需要了解的有关我们的运输和退货政策的信息。


马来西亚送货:当您消费超过 RM100(半岛)或 RM150(东马)时,可享受马来西亚境内免费送货。

东盟运输:我们还以统一费率运送到新加坡和其他东盟国家:新加坡为 RM40,其他东盟国家为 RM50。



